BrAIDing with a Social Twist
BrAIDing with a Social Twist is a free hairdressing and health promotion program for Young women in North West Toronto. Braiding with a Social Twist is an innovative program to teach youth and young adults between the ages of 18-29 about sexual health and braiding techniques. Using a peer-based model where African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) facilitators who have a background in HIV research/service provision/outreach facilitate workshops with ACB youth participants on braiding techniques, hair care, healthy relationships, sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Participants will have the opportunity at the end of the program to provide one-on-one hair braiding sessions to engage clients in conversations around sexual health; hair care and wellbeing. Youth will also plan a number of community events to highlight their acquired hair dressing skills as well as to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in the ACB community. We would like to recognize some of our partners: Black Creek Community Health Centre, Rexdale Hub, The York University-TD Community Engagement Centre for 2015. In 2018 and 2019, The Toronto Public Library has partnered with BrAIDS for AIDS to offer a shorten version of this program at 5 of their Youth Hubs. See News and Updates for this program and please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or would like to bring this program to your youth programs.
While this is not a program, this is one of our signature events that many people know of BrAIDS for AIDS. Every year in Toronto, we host a BrAIDathon, a full day of hair braiding and conversations on a number of topics related to HIV/AIDS including women empowerment, violence against women, travel and other hot topics. This happens the weekend before the Toronto Caribbean Festival.

Young Men's Prison Project
Roy McMurtry Project is a project to engage young men in detention in conversations around HIV/AIDS and sexual health while they get braided. This is a completely volunteer based program. This program has been very beneficial in informing us about youth trends and how to work best with young men. Look out for program evaluations! This program is funded in part by Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Hair For You II Women Program
A project to train hairdressers as peer educators on HIV/AIDS awareness topics and to provide hairdressers with a variety of tools such as videos, posters and brochures, so that they can engage with 500 people at their establishments and in the community. Sessions are held at select locations. See our location page or news and updates section for details of these locations.

Secondary & Post Secondary Campaigns
BrAIDS for AIDS has held campaigns all across Canada. BrAIDS for AIDS Campaigns have been held at the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Ryerson, York University, Sheridan College, Laurentian University. Students braid students hair and have quick quizzes on HIV/AIDS prevention To hold a school campaign, please contact us at info@braidsforaids.com
Volunteering & Careers
As BrAIDS for AIDS continues to grow, we seek the support of volunteers and new staffing. Any information on new careers, would be provided on our News Section. For volunteering, please contact volunteer@braidsforaids.com

BrAIDing with a Social Twist
BrAIDing with a Social Twist is a free hairdressing and health promotion program for Young women in North West Toronto. Braiding with a Social Twist is an innovative program to teach youth and young adults between the ages of 18-29 about sexual health and braiding techniques. Using a peer-based model where African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) facilitators who have a background in HIV research/service provision/outreach facilitate workshops with ACB youth participants on braiding techniques, hair care, healthy relationships, sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Participants will have the opportunity at the end of the program to provide one-on-one hair braiding sessions to engage clients in conversations around sexual health; hair care and wellbeing. Youth will also plan a number of community events to highlight their acquired hair dressing skills as well as to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in the ACB community. We would like to recognize some of our partners: Black Creek Community Health Centre, Rexdale Hub, The York University-TD Community Engagement Centre for 2015. In 2018 and 2019, The Toronto Public Library has partnered with BrAIDS for AIDS to offer a shorten version of this program at 5 of their Youth Hubs. See News and Updates for this program and please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or would like to bring this program to your youth programs.
While this is not a program, this is one of our signature events that many people know of BrAIDS for AIDS. Every year in Toronto, we host a BrAIDathon, a full day of hair braiding and conversations on a number of topics related to HIV/AIDS including women empowerment, violence against women, travel and other hot topics. This happens the weekend before the Toronto Caribbean Festival.

Young Men's Prison Project
Roy McMurtry Project is a project to engage young men in detention in conversations around HIV/AIDS and sexual health while they get braided. This is a completely volunteer based program. This program has been very beneficial in informing us about youth trends and how to work best with young men. Look out for program evaluations! This program is funded in part by Ontario Trillium Foundation.
Hair For You II Women Program
A project to train hairdressers as peer educators on HIV/AIDS awareness topics and to provide hairdressers with a variety of tools such as videos, posters and brochures, so that they can engage with 500 people at their establishments and in the community. Sessions are held at select locations. See our location page or news and updates section for details of these locations.

Secondary & Post Secondary Campaigns
BrAIDS for AIDS has held campaigns all across Canada. BrAIDS for AIDS Campaigns have been held at the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Ryerson, York University, Sheridan College, Laurentian University. Students braid students hair and have quick quizzes on HIV/AIDS prevention To hold a school campaign, please contact us at info@braidsforaids.com
Volunteering & Careers
As BrAIDS for AIDS continues to grow, we seek the support of volunteers and new staffing. Any information on new careers, would be provided on our News Section. For volunteering, please contact volunteer@braidsforaids.com

BrAIDing with a Social Twist
BrAIDing with a Social Twist is a free hairdressing and health promotion program for Young women in North West Toronto. Braiding with a Social Twist is an innovative program to teach youth and young adults between the ages of 18-29 about sexual health and braiding techniques. Using a peer-based model where African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) facilitators who have a background in HIV research/service provision/outreach facilitate workshops with ACB youth participants on braiding techniques, hair care, healthy relationships, sexual health and HIV/AIDS. Participants will have the opportunity at the end of the program to provide one-on-one hair braiding sessions to engage clients in conversations around sexual health; hair care and wellbeing. Youth will also plan a number of community events to highlight their acquired hair dressing skills as well as to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in the ACB community. We would like to recognize some of our partners: Black Creek Community Health Centre, Rexdale Hub, The York University-TD Community Engagement Centre for 2015. In 2018 and 2019, The Toronto Public Library has partnered with BrAIDS for AIDS to offer a shorten version of this program at 5 of their Youth Hubs. See News and Updates for this program and please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or would like to bring this program to your youth programs.

While this is not a program, this is one of our signature events that many people know of BrAIDS for AIDS. Every year in Toronto, we host a BrAIDathon, a full day of hair braiding and conversations on a number of topics related to HIV/AIDS including women empowerment, violence against women, travel and other hot topics. This happens the weekend before the Toronto Caribbean Festival.

Young Men's Prison Project
Roy McMurtry Project is a project to engage young men in detention in conversations around HIV/AIDS and sexual health while they get braided. This is a completely volunteer based program. This program has been very beneficial in informing us about youth trends and how to work best with young men. Look out for program evaluations! This program is funded in part by Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Hair For You II Women Program
A project to train hairdressers as peer educators on HIV/AIDS awareness topics and to provide hairdressers with a variety of tools such as videos, posters and brochures, so that they can engage with 500 people at their establishments and in the community. Sessions are held at select locations. See our location page or news and updates section for details of these locations.

Secondary & Post Secondary Campaigns
BrAIDS for AIDS has held campaigns all across Canada. BrAIDS for AIDS Campaigns have been held at the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Ryerson, York University, Sheridan College, Laurentian University. Students braid students hair and have quick quizzes on HIV/AIDS prevention To hold a school campaign, please contact us at info@braidsforaids.com

Volunteering & Careers
As BrAIDS for AIDS continues to grow, we seek the support of volunteers and new staffing. Any information on new careers, would be provided on our News Section. For volunteering, please contact volunteer@braidsforaids.com